FaceAzure Desktop Release Notes

The Latest release of FaceAzure Desktop includes new features and lots of fixes to make your experience better than ever.

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 21-Mar-2023

+ Update

    • Batch print & preview all of transactions base on sort order by column.
    • Customer & Vendor Statement allow to add custom template.

+ Bugs & Issues

    • Monthly tax: generate tax error execute time out due there’s many transactions in current month.
    • Payroll: Edit Pay Employee amounts are not correct
    • Report: Fix and update format Report Pay Employee Summary & Detail
    • Define field value not show on Sales Receipt
    • Payroll: Pay employee validation select account to pay, validate chart of account use to void transaction.
    • System culture UI and language set to en-US

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 16-Jan-2023

+ Features

    • Pension fund deduction on Payroll.

+ Update

    • Employee add field TID
    • Correction formation Transaction journal form
    • Payroll salary range upgrade from 1,300,000 to 1,500,000 riel (Reference)
    • Tax year list for 2023, 2024
    • Customer Statement (option to select include only transactions in selected of period)

+ Bugs & Issue

    • Import & export pay employee.
    • Validate VAT TIN of customer & vendor.
    • Error datetime picker control.
    • Removed unused nuget packages.
    • Payroll Preference cannot scroll down.
    • Unpaid transaction show up on employee that doesn’t paid on employee center
    • Enable & Disable Payroll Preference are not recalculate amount of tax on salary.
    • Purchase form print & preview item name & description over hidden text.
    • Reverse charge on e-commerce tax amount not correct.
    • Pay employee with type of account liability the same as mapped with payroll item.
    • Show duplicate row in report Inventory Stock Movemen.
    • Print form option enable show main name as entity name are not display when customer does not have parent.
    • Tax journal amount not correct when transactions contain double tax.

+ Bugs & issue find out during release for our internal team test

    • Double total amount of accommodation tax when contain with service charge.

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 21-Nov-2022

+ Features

    • Payroll item type addition add account type cost of goods sold.

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 11-Nov-2022

+ Features

    • New UI interface
    • Menu Shortcut
    • Shortcut key
    • Transaction Journal
    • Add TID to Employee

+ Changed

    • Change default exchange rate from GDT to NBC
    • Rearrange menus

+ Bug fixed

    • Words correction
    • Dashboard icons
    • Improve Import & Export Employee payroll, Employee lists

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 12-Oct-2022

+ Features

    • VAT on E-Commerce on Tax center, E-Filling Purchase(Reverse Charge)
    • Print/Preview Sales transaction journal
    • Print/Preview Purchase transaction journal
    • Report Vendor Payment Voucher

+ Bug fixed

    • Customer statement
    • Report Balance Sheet standard

What's new in FaceAzure Desktop version

Released Date: 15-Jun-2022

+ Features

    • Export to PDF available of all print & preview transactions.
    • Payroll Summary & Payroll Detail add column payment frequency and date.
    • Form template option round up/down KHR currency.
    • GDT (General Department of Taxation) exchange rate.
    • Apply GDT option to print & preview transactions.
    • GDT exchange rate on Monthly Tax.

+ Bug fixed

    • Tax item expense type mapped with chart of account and bookkeeping with item showing incorrect amount
    • Import payroll salary getting error while amount input has decimal places, Import & export when select semimonthly had disabled.
    • Print & preview as batch transaction on receipt payment are disable and allow single select
    • Report Job Estimates Vs Actual Summary
    • Report Item Profitability
    • Report Vendor Statement
    • Import Employee Template
    • Report Trail Balance
    • Report General Ledger
    • Batch print & preview separate number of page & print bottom of the page.

What's New in FaceAzure Desktop Version

Released Date: 01-Feb-2022


    • License activated with online API.
    • Sale transaction template batch print/preview order by transaction by date.
    • Customer statement & vendor statement order transaction by date.

+ Bug fixed

    • Report Payroll Summary not show current year.
    • Report Payroll Detail not show current year.
    • Tax preference dropdown control error when select chart of account.
    • Form Payslip break page.
    • Fixed License activation

What's New in FaceAzure Desktop Version

Released Date: 11-Jan-2022

+ Features

    • Add amount in Khmer riel to default PaySlip template
    • Add new default PaySlip format with employee and employer signature.
    • Add select all checked-box to Pay Employee Liability.

+ Bug fixed

    • Fixed missing data while export employee from employee center
    • Fixed display inactive payroll items in PaySlip template
    • Fixed incorrect spelling word in the footer of Invoice, Estimate, Sale Receipt, Credit Refund and Sale Order.
    • Fixed bug on Customer Statement Report
    • Fixed bug on Customer Balance details getting error while company file not enable class feature in QuickBooks.

What's New in FaceAzure Desktop Version

Released Date: 01-Dec-2021

+ Features

    • New Report
      • Customer statement
      • Vendor statement
      • Job estimate vs actual summary
      • Profit and loss by Job
    • Summary tax payable can be exported to excel
    • Summary tax payable display both in KHR and QuickBooks home currency.

What's New in FaceAzure Desktop Version 1.2?

Released Date: 07-Jul-2021

+ Features

    • New Report
      • Customer statement
      • Vendor statement
      • Job estimate vs actual summary
      • Item profitability
      • Profit and loss by Job
    • Summary tax payable can be exported to excel
    • Summary tax payable display both in KHR and QuickBooks home currency.

What's New in FaceAzure Desktop Version 1.1?

Released Date: 05-May-2021
FaceAzure Desktop consists of the following modules to deliver enhanced efficiency, productivity, and security to any business.

+ Features

    • Manager: The core module includes tools for configuring the system for the first time and maintaining it.
    • Print Forms: Sale and Purchase Forms can be printed in layout of specified by Cambodia rules and custom to your own preferring.
    • Manual Payroll: Employee payroll can be managed on a monthly or semi-monthly basis with automatic calculate Tax on Salary (TO).
    • Management: Monthly tax are prepared automatically in FaceAzure by pulling data from QuickBooks and exported to E-Filing
    • Custom Reporting: Publish standard reports in Khmer and CIFRS for SMEs in accordance with Cambodian rules.