FaceAzure Online

Batch Translate Chart of Accounts

For faster, FaceAzure Online allows users to translate multiple or batch Chart Of Accounts as the following:

  1. Export Chart of Accounts to Excel
    • At the top right of the Chart of Accounts List, click the arrow down button
    • Choose Export
    • Browse to the location to keep the Excel file, then click Save.
    • After that, please open the Excel file
    • Account Number (KH) – input the account number in Khmer
    • Account Name (KH) – input account number in Khmer
    • Save and close the Excel file.
  1. Import Chart of Accounts
    • At the top right of the Chart of Accounts List, click the arrow down button
    • Choose Import
    • Browse to the Excel file location and select it
    • Click Button Open
    • You will see the notification to inform you that the Chart of Account has been imported