FaceAzure Online

Setting up Company Profile

All information in the company profile, such as the logo, company name in Khmer, company name in English, business activities, TIN number, company address in Khmer, company address in English, phone number, email address, and website, will be used as the letterhead for each form and report in FaceAzure Online. When you first use FaceAzure Online or want to change some information, you can do so by performing the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose Company Profile
  1. Company logo: click on logo browsing to your logo location, select it, and click open to upload (the logo requires file type JPEG, JPG, and PNG, and dimensions should be in squire, for example, 512 x 512 pixels).
  2. Company name (KH): input the company name in Khmer Unicode
  3. Company name: input your company name in English.
  4. Business Activities: input information on business activities or business industry.
  5. TIN: input company VAT-IN number. This number can be found in your business patent.
  6. Address (KH): input business address in Khmer Unicode.
  7. Address: input business address in English
  8. Phone number: input the company’s main contact phone number
  9. Other phone numbers: input other phone numbers if available
  10. Email: input company email address
  11. Website: input company website address
  12. Account Receivable: select the account receivable in the list. If it is unavailable, please check your QuickBooks Online chart of account list.
  13. Account Payable: select the account payable in the list. If it is unavailable, please check your QuickBooks Online chart of account list.
  14. QuickBooks: FaceAzure Online Synchronize Data QuickBooks
  15. Click Save Changes