FaceAzure Online

How to preview or print Transaction Journal?

The Transaction Journal Report shows debits and credits for each transaction and provides a more focused view of amounts and accounts not visible from the transaction itself.

Purpose of the Transaction Journal Report

  • It was created for accountants, but anyone familiar with dual-entry accounting can use it for calculations, advanced insight, or auditing purposes
  • It can be used as a tool to identify transactions that have gone out of balance.
  • It can assist in identifying odd entries for accounts on other reports.
  • In each transaction, allow you to print or preview transaction journal

Option 1

  1. Right-click on a transaction, choose Transaction Journal
  1. Click the icon download to save to PDF
  2. Click the icon printer to print to the connected printer

Option 2

  1. Click Transaction Journal on the left sidebar
  1. Select the transaction type, Invoice, and click the Apply button
  1. Select transactions that you prefer to print or preview
  2. Click the preview icon
  1. Click the icon download to save to PDF
  2. Click the icon printer to print to the connected printer