FaceAzure Online

How do you preview or print batch invoices?

  1. Go to Sales
  2. Choose Invoice or click on the invoice icon on the dashboard.
  1. Select the date range from and the date range to, then click the button Apply.
  1. All the invoices created by the date range selected above will appear
  1. Select all invoices that you prefer to preview or print
  2. Click the preview icon
  1. Choose Template
  2. Choose Printing Option (Due Date, Terms, Use main name as entity name, Show sub item group, show taxable subtotal.
  3. Note – input information that you prefer to show on the Invoice, for example, bank information
  4. Click the Button Apply Template to save the printing option for the Template selected.
  5. Click the icon download to save to PDF
  6. Click the icon printer to print to the connected printer