FaceAzure Online

Exchange Rate

Before processing your monthly Payroll, it is necessary to adjust the salary exchange rate for that month. According to the Cambodian tax authority, taxpayers are required to use the exchange rates issued by the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) to convert amounts in US$ to KHR for Payroll.


Please follow the steps below to setup the payroll exchange rate:

  1. Payroll – Payroll Exchange Rate

  1. Payroll – Payroll Exchange Rate
  1. Payroll – Payroll Exchange Rate
  2. Select Year
  3. Input exchange rate value
  4. Click Save & Close


  1. You can only add one exchange rate every month and do not have the ability to adjust it. If the exchange rate that was added was not in use, it could be deleted by right click on it and choosing Delete Exchange Rate or clicking on the Exchange Rate button on the bottom right to choose Deluxe Exchange Rate.
  2. If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend or a public holiday, please choose a day that is a business day.
  3. NBC Link: https://www.nbc.org.kh/english/economic_research/exchange_rate.php