FaceAzure Online

Manual Exchange Rate

If you have a specific transaction, you prefer not to follow the exchange rate of NBC. You can set the exchange rate manually by right click on a transaction list, choosing Manual, and then setting the preferred exchange rate value.

  1. Right-click and choose Manual.
  1. Input the exchange rate value you prefer, and click the Apply button.
  1. Now you can see the exchange rate has been set as Manual status.


  •  Please make sure that you input the exchange value correctly. FaceAzure Online doesn’t validate
    exchange rate value, whether correct or incorrect, and the users are responsible for this update.
  • FaceAzure Online will use the previous date of exchange rate value, applying it to transactions on dates
    that have no updated exchange rate value.
  • If all dates have no exchange rate setup, FaceAzure Online will display ZERO amount for Khmer riel in the