FaceAzure Online

Add New Employee

  1. Click Add New
  1. Personal tab – input employee personal information

Important Note: Please make sure to enter the relevant information for Marital Status, Employee Tax Code, Dependent’s Spouse, and Children, as these settings have an impact on tax calculations (TOS).

  1. Address & Contact tab – input employee contact information
  1. Education tab – input employee education history
  1. Employment tab – input employee hire information, especially Employee code and TID, which will be used in the tax module for E-Filling
  1. Payroll tab
    • Bank Account number – input employee bank account number
    • Print on Check As – input name to display on check or payslip
    • Class – Select class (Note – this feature is not used yet in this version)
    • Payroll Setup
      • Click Button Add
      • Select Payroll Item Name
      • RATE / AMOUNT – yearly input value of employee payroll amount (monthly amount multiplied by 12)
      • Click the button Add again and follow the same steps above if you have other payroll items that need to apply for this employee.
    • Click Save & Close