FaceAzure Online

Add Company or Connect to Existing Company

  1. Add Company: Add a new company that is connected and using FaceAzure at the beginning for FaceAzure New Version.
  2. Connect to Existing Company: For existing companies using the previous FaceAzure version.

Register Company Profile

  1. COMPANY NAME (KH): input the company name in Khmer Unicode.
  2. Company Name (EN): input your company name in English.
  3. BUSINESS TYPE: input information on business activities or business industry.
  4. PRIMARY EMAIL: input company email address.
  5. PRIMARY PHONE: input the company’s main contact phone number.
  6. Customer/Vendor Default Tax Code: Choose whether customer/vendor Physical Person or Non-Taxable Person or Legal Entity.
  7. Current Address (KH): input business address in Khmer Unicode.
  8. Current Address (Other): input business address in English
  9. Click the button to connect to QuickBooks.

Select Company

  1. Click on the drop-down to select the QuickBooks Online company name.
  2. Click Button Next

3. Click on the Button Connect to connect to FaceAzure Online. Click on No, thanks to cancel.

  1. Click the button Create to create FaceAzure Online.
    • REALM ID: Company ID from QuickBooks this is unique can’t change or edit.
    • SUBDOMAIN NAME: is a prefix added to a domain name to separate a section of your website.
  1. Click the button Done to complete.