FaceAzure Online

Navigation in FaceAzure Online

After you logged-in to FaceAzure Online, it will redirect to the dashboard page, which you will see in the below screen.

  • Dashboard

    The home screen of FaceAzure Online gives you quick access to the functionality of key features, and you navigate to each functionality by clicking on each icon. Always click dashboard if you prefer to go back home screen.

  • Top bar

    • Logo: you will see the FaceAzure logo. This logo cannot be changed.
    • Company Name: Your company name setup in Company Profile
    • Search box: you can type the keyword of FaceAzure Online features, and it will display the suggested in the drop-down list, and you can click to navigate to that feature.
    • Multi-Language bar: This button switches to Khmer or English versions.
    • User Profile: at the top right after the Sync QBO button, you can see the user profile display name and profile photo. Click on the arrow drop down, and you will be able to navigate to my profile to update the display name and picture
  • Left sidebar

    • Lists: you can navigate to translate the Chart of Accounts, Customers, Vendors, Products and Services
    • Sales: navigate to sales transaction forms such as Estimates, Invoices, Receive Payments, and Credit Memo/Refund.
    • Purchase: access to purchase transaction forms such as Bill, Pay Bill, Check Payment, Purchase Orders, and Vendor Credit.
    • Transaction Journal: allows users to access to print/preview all types of transactions in a standard accounting journal layout, which displays the debit and credit balance.
    • Exchange Rate: access to set up the daily exchange rate.
    • Payroll: access to use the payroll module
    • Report Center: Access all available reports such as Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, etc.
    • Settings: Navigate to update company profile, set up tax item, add custom fields, edit my profile, manage users and payroll settings
    • Help: Access to the help center