FaceAzure Online Release Notes

The Latest release of FaceAzure Online includes new features and lots of fixes to make your experience better than ever.

What's New in FaceAzure Online Version 1.3?

Released Date: 08-Apr-2023

+ Features

    • Payroll
      • Employee.
      • Payroll Items.
      • Exchange Rate.
      • Pay Employee (Semimonthly, Monthly, Accrued).
      • Pay Employee Liability.
      • Manage Payslip.
      • Payroll settings.
      • Report
        • Payroll Report Summary.
        • Payroll Report Detail.
    • Forms
      • Transaction Journal.
      • Add contact info to header of the report forms.
      • Add new 2 templates in sale form and purchase form.
      • Extract Filter of Form or List.
      • Disable Exchange rate GDT and NSSF Exchange Rate.
      • Export Transaction to excel.
      • Print Preview Journal Transaction on sale and purchase.
    • Report
      • Balance Sheet.
      • Balance Sheet Summary.
    • Syn QBO Data
      • New feature for user to synchronize all data from QBO to save in FaceAzure Online.
      • Realtime data refreshing (Webhook) automatically pushing data from QuickBooks Online to FaceAzure Online.
        • Add, Edit, Delete Lists.
        • Add, Edit, Delete Transaction.
    • UI
      • Change icons on the dashboard.

What's New in FaceAzure Online Version 1.2?

Released Date: 30-Sep-2022

+ Features

    • Print Forms
      • Sales Forms
        • Credit Memo/Refund
      • Purchase Forms
        • Purchase Order
        • Vendor Credit
    • Report
      • Profit and Loss
      • Profit and Loss Detail
      • Profit and Loss Comparison
      • Profit and Loss year-to-date Comparison
      • Profit and Loss by Customer
    • Others
      • Option to show taxable subtotal tax forms (Estimate, Invoices, Credit Memo, Sales Receipt)
      • Add address english and khmer on Customer and Vendor
      • Add 2 Templates for SKU all Transaction
        • Invoices
        • Sales Receipts
      • Export Excel on Transaction and Purchase 
        • Estimate
        • Invoice
        • Receive Payment
        • Sales Receipts
        • Credit Memo
        • Bill 
        • Pay Bill
        • Check Payment
        • Purchase Others
        • Vendor Credit.

+ Update Features

    • Edit customer on sales transaction form
    • Edit vendor on purchases transaction form
    • Update default short transactions by date from newest to oldest
    • Update Address customer and vendor of all templates.

+ Bug fixed

    • User permission and validati
    • Date range filter on transactions
    • Data table on custom fields
    • Change Field name county to country on all transaction.

What's New in FaceAzure Online Version 1.1?

Released Date: 20-Jun-2022

+ Features

    • Print Forms
      • Sales Forms
        • Receive Payment
      • Purchase Forms
        • Bill
        • Pay Bill
        • Check Payment
    • Exchange Rate
      • GDT Exchange Rate
    • Others
      • Short field all of lists and transactions
      • Resize column all lists and transactions
      • Add customer filter Estimates, Invoices, Receive Payment, Sales Receipt
      • Add customer Address (EN)
      • Add vendor filter on Bill, Pay Bill, Check Payment
      • Add vendor Address (EN)
      • Show number of records for all lists and transactions
      • Add print form options
        • Use main name as entity name
        • Show sub item group
        • Show default Message from QuickBooks Online.

What's New in FaceAzure Online Version 1.0?

Released Date: 05-May-2022

+ Features

    • List Translation: Translate QuickBooks Online List from English to Khmer
      • Chart of Accounts
      • Customers
      • Vendors
      • Products and Services
    • Purchase Forms
      • NBC Exchange Rate
      • Manual Exchange Rate
    • Print Forms
      • Estimate
      • Invoice
      • Sales Receipt